Sometimes It Is Correct to Blame the Compiler.

I tend to make bad decisions. I haven’t yet figured out whether running Gentoo on my primary machine is one of them, but it will be the one at the start of this story. While I was running a system update one day, the Firefox build failed with an error. From taking a cursory look at the logs it was a problem in some javascript file that runs during build using Node.js, so of course I did the right thing… by which I mean I downgraded node, successfully compiled Firefox, and hoped that someone else will hit this bug and figure out the issue and fix it.

Am I a “someone else”?

A few Firefox versions later the issue was still not fixed, and doing the downgrade dance each time was getting annoying, so I decided to take a look at it again. The specific issue was that a checked-in version of Babel was trying to write a read-only property on a WeakMap and getting thrown a TypeError for its troubles. Naively thinking “It is probably a missing check in a polyfill,” I’ve fed the file through a pretty printer, ran it again to get a precise backtrace, and looked at that line

try {
   e[$t] = void 0; // Traceback points to this line
   var n = !0;
} catch (e) {

Had node forgotten how to catch an exception?

Do not blame the compiler, blame your compiler’s compiler.

While I had experienced several ICEs in ancient clang versions, this was the first time a “compiler” was producing results that were outright wrong. But even in such obvious code, I had to check whether javascript suddenly added uncatchable exceptions, or whether I was wrong about how try/catch works. But no, this really was a node bug. It was reported on node’s issue tracker, promptly redirected to v8’s, where someone noticed that Fedora knew that this issue happens when node gets compiled with -O2 and disappears when using -O1 or -O3. They then decided to go with -O3.

At this point I thought I was almost done, after all there is a fix, and if it is good enough for Fedora, it is good enough for Gentoo, so I made a ebuild patch that replaces -O2 with -O3 and sent it as a PR upstream. All was left was to wait for review.

The compiling begins.

While a typical Gentoo user will happily run their system with -05 -ffunsafe-math -fplacebo and probably a few other insane flags, the maintainers rejected my PR and suggested to find the specific optimization that causes the error. So why not, let’s do exactly that.

Trying to figure out which of the flags included in -O3 fixed the problem was a bad decision, in that it was a complete waste of time. None of the flags fixed the issue when included one at a time, and I was not going to compile anything 2^n times, no matter the value of n.

What was a success was expanding -O2 into it’s constituent flags and then binary searching for the offending flag by removing half of them at a time. After 6 or so rebuilds, I got my culprit -ftree-slp-vectorize, which I then confirmed both by adding it alone to -O1 and disabling from -O2. The results were as expected.

Needles, haystacks… just use a magnet.

Nodejs is an enormous project, and a bug report that says that there is a miscompile somewhere inside it is not exactly helpful, especially if I do not know if it is a miscompile in the first place and not some UB-triggering code. Thankfully a binary search helps us again, with a simple g++ wrapper, one can enable or disable the specific optimization flag for half of the files and then see if that results in the bug appearing. Just 10-ish rebuilds later, I’ve got the file, deps/v8/src/objects/

This was better, but it is still a massive file containing a lot of logic. A possible approach would have been to binary search within the file, compiling half the functions with flags enabled and another half without. But this time i did nothing of that sort, and instead looked at the functions that could return a TypeError, picked one that looked the most suspicious, added __attribute__((optimize("no-tree-vectorize"))) to it, and got it right on the first try.

Reduction in size.

Even after removing all other code but the offending function, the file was 15 MB with all the includes, and even then, I am no compiler expert and had no idea what specific part of the function was causing the incorrect return. But thankfully there is a tool for that: as long as you can write a test that checks whether your c program is “interesting” cvise can reduce it’s size and complexity while maintaining the “interestingness” property. In my case, I noticed that after compiling the function to assembly, the incorrect version sets the return register to 1 in both branches, while the correct version sets it to 1 in one and to 0 in the other. Some grep crimes later, the test was ready.

Of course it was not that easy, cvise was unable to process said 15MB file in the paltry 32GB of ram installed in my laptop, but after manually removing large chunks of it, it managed to create a tiny reproducer. Now I had a small test case and a specific flag that triggers it, it was finally time to find the bug.

What did it cost?

It would probably surprise nobody at this point that I was doing a yet another binary search. This time it was a git bisect of gcc, and 12-ish more rebuilds, i’ve arrived at the commit that caused it all… Said commit was changing the arm64 instruction cost model.

Obviously this was not the commit that introduced the issue, it was already there, and it only exposed by it. After some consultation in #gentoo-toolchain and debugging by Arsen we have filed a gcc bug.

Not a hero of this story.

At this point you’d probably expect me to write that I found a way to keep bisecting for the actual commit that introduced it, and then found and fixed it, but nothing of that sort happened. After all, I’ve never even seen gcc’s code and while I did keep bisecting, pinskia and rguenth found the issue with the optimization pass and fixed it. It will ship in gcc 15.0.

Conclusion, eh?

  1. Binary search is the most important algorithm ever invented.
  2. Compilers are not magic, they are big, but even someone like me, who never looked at the code before can figure out how some of it works.
  3. Deciding when you have enough information to file a bug is a bit of an art, while someone else knows the code to any specific project better than you, and will be faster at root causing and fixing it, you should try to give them as much info as you can collect on your own.
  4. I’ve given you the tools and the playbook on how to find the root causes of a possible compiler bug. So next time you want to blame the compiler, you can use it to conclusively prove that you are right, and which specific part of the compiler is wrong. After all, it would only take 3-ish days of just compiling various versions with a rather powerful laptop.